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Showing posts from April, 2009

Spring! Spring! Spring!

"To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring" George Santayana Spring is here! As I looked out the window from the bus that I use to go commute to work and back, it struck me that spring came early this year. Scotland had had a harsh winter late last year (the worst in 20 years! I was told by some of the old folks here) and flowers are blooming early. From daffodils to tulips and Cheery blossoms, colours started to emerge from every nooks and corners. Most houses here started to fill their garden with flowers and the greyness of their building gradually disappear . April is technically over and it looks as if summer is coming. Weather is becoming warmer...too warm for the likes of Scottish as I recalled meeting a chap at the bus stop, when he said that Scotland is generally cold for the first six months and colder the remaining six months of a year. Hmm true...but maybe we will have a prope...

April is almost over!

" Neutral is state where you are not jumping ahead too quickly or moving too slow. Neutral does not mean being inactive complacent or passive. Its about a calm poise that allows new information and new possibilities to emerge before taking further action. When in neutral you actually increase your sensitivity and intuitive intelligence . Neutral is fertile ground for new possibilities to grow from." Don Childre This is the state that I am in at the moment, neither passive nor complacent. It seems like I am, but simply weighing a few options in hand. I guiltily confess , since graduating last December I have been relaxing, maybe because I have been working non-stop then continuing my study right after. I said that I owe it to myself to relax for a while, to justify why I need time to relax. De-stress for a while. Options? Yes, I wasn't thinking of any other option early in the year. The plan was to graduate and find a job soon after. But the global crisis and recession in...