Resentment, anger, frustration, worry, disappointment - negative emotional stress, justified or not, take a toll on your heart, brain and body. Don't let justified emotion rob your health and well being.
Don Childre & Howard Martin
I have been feeling the stress of my work place recently. Never have I felt before throughout my working years. I have always been able to separate work from my personal life till I have to work with an emotional boss! After spilling my guts out to family and close friends, I realised that they are facing the same thing. Ironically, its never the tasks that have been assigned to you, but behaviour of the boss is sometimes unbearable. The fact that they are the boss, thinking they have the right to behave the way they did. I wish that if I ever get to that level, I would not behave the same way. I certainly wouldn't want to be cursed by staff, God forbid!
But I guess at the moment, I'm grateful that I have family and close friends that I can spill my guts out, talk about it. I guess you just have to let out, releasing it, even if they cannot do anything about it, listening would be enough, as if a huge burden have been lifted off you.
Anyway, as they say, all bad things sometimes have a good side of it. It makes me rethink of what i really, really want to do, where and how to go forward in my career and life. I pray that what I've planned for this year will work out. Who knows, perhaps more good things will happen!